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Industrial low noise chillers

Industrial low noise chillers and used for several applications and industries. Most industrial low noise chillers are used at places where loud sounds can cause a disturbance or hindrance in regular working. You will find low noise chillers in hospitals and research facilities where loud sounds are a complete no.

When you check out the sound pressure output averages for standard chillers, then you will find them to be approximately 80dB(A) @ 1m. The larger outdoor chillers have sound pressure output averages between 65 and 75 dB(A) @ 10m. If you want really low noise chillers, then the sound pressure output averages should be between 30 and 40 dB(A) @ 10m. If your site is near a residential area, you will have to be very careful with the noise levels. If the sound levels are high, there are rules and regulations that will compel you to get them lower.

As a site supervisor or a business owner, you will have to ensure that you have the best industrial low noise chillers for your industrial processes. There are several manufactures in the UK that would manufacture good quality industrial low noise chillers. You need to find the best low noise chiller that meets your specifications and needs. Also, you will have to check if the low noise chiller complements your industrial process. You will have to keep an eye on the physical size of the low noise chiller so that it is as per the required specifications.

Previous Post : Find the apt replacement for your old chiller

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